Dr. Ruediger Dahlke

For over 30 years, Dr. med. Ruediger Dahlke (DE) has worked as a doctor, seminar leader, author and trainer. In books such as Krankheit als Weg (The Healing Power of Illness), Krankheit als Sprache der Seele (Illness As a Language of the Soul), Krankheit als Symbol (Disease as a Symbol), Frauen-Heil-Kunde (The Female Healing Arts), Aggression als Chance (Aggression As an Opportunity), and Depression – Wege aus der dunklen Nacht der Seele (Depression – Ways out of the Dark Night of the Soul), he has established a holistic approach to psychosomatic medicine which extends into the domains of the mythical and the spiritual. In seminars and on tours, he leads participants into the world of spiritual imagery and motivates people to take responsibility for developing well-targeted life strategies. The ultimate aim of all of these activities is to support patients along their path towards greater self-responsibility, self-determination and optimal health. In the German-speaking world, Ruediger Dahlke’s books have already attracted a following of millions and have thus contributed to creating an ever-expanding consciousness for psychosomatic correlations and a holistic approach to medicine. In addition, there are currently over 200 translations available in 24 different languages – a number that is expected to steadily increase as interest in these topics continues to grow. Further information can be found at: www.dahlke.at (under “Dahlke International”) and www.mymedworld.cc.

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