Thomas Harms

Thomas Harms (Germany), born 1965, is a psychologist and body psychotherapist living with his wife and his two sons near Bremen. 

He has been working in the field of preventive body psychotherapy with babies and parents for many years. Various schools of body psychotherapy and the findings of modern baby and attachment research have been important influences in the development of what he calls Emotional First Aid. 1993, Thomas Harms founded the first walk-in clinic for crying babies and their parents in Berlin. Since 1997 he has been directing the Zentrum für Primäre Prävention (ZEPP, Centre for Primary Prevention) in Bremen, a therapeutic and educational centre. He is the editor of the book “Auf die Welt gekommen? Die neuen Babytherapien” (“Born Into This World? The New Baby Therapies, Leutner-Verlag, 2000). 2008 his book “Emotionelle Erste Hilfe – Bindungsförderung und Krisenintervention für Eltern und Babys nach der Geburt“ (“Emotional First Aid – Attachment Aid and Crisis Intervention for Parents and Babies after Birth“) was published. Basic and advanced trainings with Thomas Harms.

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