Dr. Larry Heller

Laurence Heller, Ph.D. is a SETI Senior Faculty and teaches Somatic Experiencing® in the United States and throughout Europe. 

He specializes in the interplay of shock and developmental trauma. He co-authored Crash Course: A Self Healing Guide to Auto Accident Trauma and Recovery. His new book: Connection: Our Deepest Desire and Greatest Fear will be published in English in 2011. For excerpts from the book please go to: http://www.drlaurenceheller.com Dr. Heller has been on the faculty of several major universities and has taught courses and seminars at medical schools, hospitals and pain clinics in the U.S. and Europe. In 1972, he co-founded the Gestalt Institute of Denver and later the Rocky Mountain Psychotherapy Institute. He has trained and provided case consultations for thousands of health professionals in the U.S. and Europe.

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