Dr. Darrell Sanchez
Darrell Sanchez, PhD, LPC is a licensed somatic psychotherapist, Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Rolf Movement Practitioner, Craniosacral Therapist, Certified Somatic Experiencing™ Practitioner and former trainer, and professional dance instructor and performer.
He has been studying, practicing, teaching, and performing in the movement and healing arts since 1974. The common thread woven through all of Darrell’s work is the facilitation of creative transformation (http://www.rolfingboulderdenver.com/CreativeChange.htm) in the experience of the whole person. Over thirty-seven years of knowledge and experience in psychology, the creative process, functional movement, body-centered work, and dance contribute to the rich array of skills that he brings to his work as a holistically-based trauma therapist, Rolfer, and instructor.
For more information about Darrell and his work, visit his website at www.rolfingboulderdenver.com/Articles.ht
To access Darrell’s published articles related to creativity, the Tuning Board, and the connections between body and mind, visit www.rolfingboulderdenver.com/Articles.htm.
Next events with Dr. Darrell Sanchez
May 2025
The Body in Tune (Basic Introduction to the Tuning Board)
November 2025
The Body in Tune (Basic Introduction to the Tuning Board)
Publications from Dr. Darrell Sanchez
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