NeuroAffektive Developmental Psychology (NADP)

12 - day - Training with Marianne Bentzen


Date: 21 Aug 2025 – 24 Aug 2025
6 Nov 2025 – 9 Nov 2025
22 Jan 2026 – 25 Jan 2026
Time:  10 am - 1 pm
and 2.30 pm  - 5.30 pm
Teacher: Marianne Bentzen (DK)
Conditions: Background in Psychotherapy, Body Psychotherapy or Traumatherapy
Language: English translated into German
Costs: CHF 3'360.00

This training will let participants establish an understanding of neuroaffective developmental psychology in psychotherapy and begin to integrate neuroaffective assessment and treatment strategies in their professions.

Bridging brain research with theories of developmental psychology gives us new insight into personality formation – and new ideas for psychotherapy. In the psychotherapeutic process it is vital to asses the function of the client’s personal abilities, making it possible to gear interventions to their level of development.

We will work with:

  • the early and later development of the triune brain
  • access to an online English system to assess psychobiological developmental resources and weaknesses
  • a theory of the adult development of empathic understanding (mentalization).
  • exploring strategies and methods to address different kinds of difficulties
  • meditations to explore and deepen access to the different levels in ourselves

The first module will focus on the general theory of brain and personality development, and the dynamics of autonomic (sensory), limbic (emotional) and neocortical (thinking) interaction. It will teach how relationship forms and the central importance of now-moments.

The second module will focus on limbic-emotional and autonomic-autoregulatory levels of contact, interaction and regulation. We will explore the structures of developmental movement and contact interventions as well as train the sense of pacing, flow and now-moments in sessions.

The third module will focus on the different levels of mentalization belonging to the later development of the neocortex, and the ways that human beings organize meaning and purpose in life and in the world. We will also look at ways that our wonderful mental ability can lead to problems, and what to do about them.

Each training week will offer theory lectures, demonstration therapy, peer training, peer exercises, discussion and supervision to integrate the neuroaffective concepts in the work of the participants.

There will be homework assignments in groups and alone between trainings.

Marianne Bentzen

Marianne Bentzen is a somatic psychotherapist and author. She has also taught and supervised mental health professionals internationally since 1982. She has presented at more than forty international and national conferences and written numerous articles and books. Since the early 1990s, she has developed the theory of Neuroaffective Developmental Psychology (NADP), which bridges personality …

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