Bones, Fascia and Resiliency


Date: 13 May 2025
Time: Tuesday, 10:00–17:30
Teacher: Dr. Darrell Sanchez (USA)
Conditions: Basic Tuning Board class completed
Language: English translated into German
Costs: CHF 260.00

More information coming soon.

Next date for the Basic Tuning Board class
"The Body in Tune":

November 9 – 11, 2024

May 9 - 10, 2025

Dr. Darrell Sanchez

Darrell Sanchez, PhD, LPC is a licensed somatic psychotherapist, Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Rolf Movement Practitioner, Craniosacral Therapist, Certified Somatic Experiencing™ Practitioner and former trainer, and professional dance instructor and performer.He has been studying, practicing, teaching, and performing in the movement and healing arts since 1974. The common thread woven through …

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