
The SE training can only be attended as a whole.
Prerequisite is the attendance of a 3-day SE intro
with an accredited SE teacher.

The SE-Training consists of 39 course days. Prerequisite for admission to a Swiss Training is the visit of an SE intro, which is part of the learning material. In Switzerland the training can only be booked as a whole.

The training is designed as further education in the field of trauma and is aimed at people who have a lot to do with traumatized persons (medical staff, psychologists, Psychotherapists, educators, curative educators, social workers, first aid professions, body therapists, coaches etc.).

The SE-Training is not a license, with which psycho- or body therapy is offered. It is proof of a profound further education in the field of trauma that can be integrated into the existing professional field.

Training dates

Currently there are no events in the selected language

The training is divided into three phases: Beginning (1st year), Intermediate
(2nd year), Advanced Year (3rd year)

Training contents

SE-Training - 1st year (Beginners Year)

  • Basic concepts of the SE
  • Recognize signs of the body and the nervous system
  • Orientation outwards and inwards
  • Teaching basic techniques for therapeutic response
  • Stabilize the inner vortex (resources)
  • Discharge bound energy by titration
  • Application of the horizontal principle "Only 1 loop, 1 titration".
  • SE grounding, delimitation and containment exercises
  • Awakening defence and orientation reactions
  • Working with SIBAM: Sensations, Images, Behavior, Affect, Meaning
  • Coupling dynamics during trauma (over/under coupling)
  • Working with Fight, Flight and Freeze
  • Joining instead of merging - the "al dente" principle and the trauma work
  • SE-First Aid
  • Trauma and memory
  • Preventing re-traumatisation
  • Timeline with physiological processes in the case of a major threat

SE training - 2nd year (Intermediate Year)

(Can only be attended if the "Beginners Year" has been completed according to the study guidelines)

  • Short repetition and integration of the material from the 1st year
  • Building on the horizontal work, newly applying the vertical techniques
  • Presentation of all categories of trauma and the specific interventions:

  1. Global high intensity activation (GHIA): hallucinogens, psychosis, fetal distress / fetal stress, birth trauma, fever, drowning, suffocation, etc.
  2. Unavoidable attacks (general, sexual abuse, attacks on wild animals, war, raids, etc.) c) Physical injuries (operations and anaesthesia, poisoning, burns)
  3. Severe impact - lack of physical defence/reaction (falls, serious traffic accidents with dramatic consequences, head injuries)
  4. Emotional trauma (general, severe loss, being abandoned, neglect, ongoing abuse)
  5. Natural disasters (earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, social changes)
  6. Horror, torture, ritual abuse, concentration camps, etc.
  7. Distinction between developmental/personal and shock trauma

a) Global high intensity activation (GHIA): hallucinogens, psychosis, fetal distress / fetal stress, birth trauma, fever, drowning, suffocation, etc.

b) Unavoidable attacks (general, sexual abuse, attacks on wild animals, war, raids, etc.)

c) Physical injuries (operations and anaesthesia, poisoning, burns)

d) Severe impact - lack of physical defence/reaction (falls, serious road accidents with dramatic consequences, head injuries)

e) Emotional trauma (general, severe loss, being abandoned, neglect, ongoing abuse)

(f) natural disasters (earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, social changes)

g) Horror, torture, ritual abuse, concentration camps, etc.

h) Distinction between development/personality and shock trauma

SE training - 3rd year (Advanced Year)

(Can only be attended if the first two years of training have been completed in accordance with the study guidelines)

  • Repetition of the material from the first two years with the further integration of what has been learned as a goal
  • Polyvagal theory and SE
  • Recognition and work with the coherence wave
  • Containment in complex trauma
  • Syndromes such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, constant fatigue), fibromyalgia, migraine, etc.
  • Working with the eyes
  • Deep vertical interventions through expanded states of consciousness or death
  • Energy shell model
  • New topics arising from current research
  • Other areas requested by the course participants
  • SE bodywork: theory and its application in practice
  • Work with the diaphragms, joints and organs

Training requirements
Somatic Experiencing (SE) according to Dr. Peter A. Levine

The Diploma in Somatic Experiencing (SE) is awarded to participants of the 39-day course (incl. intro) who

  • have attended all course units: 3 days Intro, 12 days in year 1 (beginners level), 12 days in the second year (Intermediate level) and 12 days in the 3rd year (Advanced level).
  • per year 7 - 8 SE therapy sessions with recognised therapists and have visited therapists (in total 22). The list of the products developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine accepted therapists is used in every Training newly delivered.
  • have attended a total of 22 supervision hours during the training. In the case of large group supervisions, three hours are charged the same as an individual lesson. A day of large group supervision with six hours of course time is therefore counted as two hours of training.
  • can prove their supervision and therapy hours on a special form provided by ZIO.

During the training, for each module a Confirmation of participation submitted.

The SE-Training can only be attended as a whole will be. The condition for inclusion is the Visit of a 3-day SE intro at a accredited SE teacher. In case of a too high Self-activation in the mandatory introductory course may result in rejection of registration for the SE training or depending on special conditions can be made.


  • to convey a broad understanding of the nature of trauma and to show new ways in which people can free themselves from trauma can. ("Understanding Trauma - Resolving Trauma")
  • With this neurobiologically founded basis we want to work in different fields of work ensure that people do not always overstrained and (re-)traumatised.
  • Cultivating natural boundaries again and the inner voice and self-regulation even in a time of tempting external temptations or suddenly emerging major threats provide the appropriate space.
  • Competent people in different fields differently with the to see how to deal with the phenomenon of trauma.
  • Trauma not only as fate, but also as an opportunity for new insights. On a more global level: a less traumatized world that does not more in the first place in mutual re-traumatisation.
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